Recent Kids Books

Lighthouse: An Anthology
My first published short story.
Lighthouse: An Anthology was published in 2020 by Lorikeet InK.
and features my story, "In The Dark".
More information about how this anthology came about can be found at https://lorikeetink.com/lighthouse/
It is available for purchase from your favourite online retailers or through the publisher Lorikeet InK.
Excerpt from "In The Dark" by Sophia Evans:
Everyone knows monsters come out at night.
Few humans can see these monsters.
Those who can, work in lighthouses along the shores of monster-hotspots.
A lighthouse keeper's job is to:
Defend against the creatures of the sea.
Keep the land safe from invasion.
Protect the light.
Keep Strong.

A Closer look at Sustainability
Sustainability is a tricky word to stay but it's not a tricky thing to do!
This is a beautifully illustrated book for children of any age. Proceeds from this sale benefit nonprofit organisation Library For All.
Currently available for free through the Library For All App.  Print copies are also available.
This story came about from a request from Library For All after I successfully submitted Liam's New Shape. The request was for an early age reader explaining the complexities of sustainability. The story explores the little things everyone can do to live a more sustainable life.
"When it rains look for rainbows, when it's dark look for stars."
Oscar Wilde
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